
Bulwark is designed to be easy to use and easy to add checks to code while you’re writing it.

First, install Bulwark:

pip install bulwark

Next, import bulwark. You can either use function versions of the checks or decorator versions. By convention, import either/both of these as follow:

import bulwark.checks as ck
import bulwark.decorators as dc

If you’ve chosen to use decorators to interact with the checks (the recommended method for checks to be run on each function call), you can write a function for your project like normal, but with your chosen decorators on top:

import bulwark.decorators as dc
import pandas as pd

def add_five(df):
    return df + 5

df = pd.DataFrame({"a": [1, 2, 3], "b": [4, 5, 6]})

You can stack multiple decorators on top of each other to have the first failed decorator check result in an assertion error or use the built-in MultiCheck to collect all of the errors are raise them at once.

See examples to see more advanced usage.